Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Week 6- Thing 13

I like the idea of having my bookmarks on any computer I use. I don't have a lot of sites that regularly want to visit, but for the few that I do this will be a good option for me. I am wondering if in my class I can encourage my students to use this to share with each other good sites for math tutoring. I am sure they would find plenty of other sites to share as well, but I could at least offer my profile for them to see what sites I have found. Although, I will likely have to make a separate profile for work vs home as I try to keep my personal life separate. I don't mind that my students know I play video games, but I would rather not have them find my bookmarks to the maps and guides. I did enjoy seeing the comments people were making about the bookmarked sites. When I am doing another research project this will be very useful. I also think this is something that my colleague next door would find helpful to use with her students. She teaches history and often I see her students in the lab finding new information and going projects. It seems to me that they could use this tool to consolidate efforts on finding good accurate information.

1 comment:

  1. Delicious really does allow research to be more than the sum of its parts by not making you reinvent the wheel (something I am very opposed to) and because of the comment feature it allows communication to happen at a whole different level.

    It is also, coincidentally, really nice when you have to get your computer unexpectedly reimaged and lose all the bookmarks from your desktop..... Personal experience here :-)

