Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 8- 19.1 Digital Pipeline

It appears that this topic is included in the librarian list, and not in the classroom list of "things". I wasn't aware of this before and since I already did the exploration decided to write about it. This is another application that has way too many options for my brain to comfortably wade through. I am guessing that some of my students would feel the same way. Since I rarely do research projects in my math class it is unlikely that I will be showing this to my students. I do expect I will use it in the future when I take classes in the future.

I did find the folder option, it took me longer than usual to figure that one out. My problem was I was trying to find the folder from the SLED link, and didn't realize that I had to get into the search databases themselves before I had that option. Once I found that I was able to make my folder and also sign up for a journal alert. I did notice that a lot of journals were listed that the library did not have. I did not find any listing for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics journals.

I did find the Health option useful. My health insurance company has a similar database available to members, it is nice to know I can find another opinion here. I think I can find some uses for the digital pipeline and feel better now that I figured out that folder thing!

1 comment:

  1. I just today read the comment you made on my blog for this Thing and saw your question today. That is why I didn't answer you and I am so sorry for seeming rude. I see now that you mastered it and moved on, but I wanted to aplogize for not getting back to you on it. I was back at work and didn't even look at my blog for days.

    I can see where the databases wouldn't be of much consequence to a math teacher, but to a librarian they are invaluable. I don't go in through SLED because we have a connection through our school district site that is much handier and more user friendly. I think SLED and the resultant format of the databases is not as user friendly.

    If you need info on a topic, you can usually find it here without having to wade through as much extraneous stuff as a Google search.

