Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 9- Thing 23 Summary

When I started this course it felt like I was the only one participating. I did several "things" and then went on vacation. When I got back I was very surprised to see in my absence that not only had people joined me, but had finished the course! This made me feel a little behind. I set aside a couple of days so that I can finish this up.

I still have to finish thing 19.1 but the rest of my exploring is complete. I have enjoyed the opportunity to learn about applications and software that I would not have taken the time to find otherwise. I have a few new ideas to try out this year on my unsuspecting students. Each of the "things" were very straight forward and easy to follow, except for 19.1. I am taking a break but will be back to find those tutorials I couldn't find my first time through! I know that as with anything new that I learn if I am not using it I forget about it. I have the best intentions to use some of the 2.0 materials in my class and in my life. What I need is a reminder in about 4 months asking me if I have remembered to use any of them. Perhaps, I will have to come back to this site and poke around to see what I have or haven't been doing.

As far as making this a better course for the future the one thing that came to mind is I didn't see the separate link for Classroom 2.0 until today. I am not sure how I missed that before but when I looked over the topics it seems that I have gone through the same material. If for some reason I missed something I should explore please help highlight that for me. I am unsure how you might make that link more obvious for a classroom teacher, but a big blinking light that said, "Hey you! Math teacher! Click here!" might have done it.

1 comment:

  1. Misty

    Thanks so much for taking part in the class. I know what you mean about needing a reminder. That is what I hope the implementation plan will do for you. Get you to use at least one tool in the first part of the school year. Good Luck for the school year. You can post your implementation plan here or you can send it to me. Which ever works best for you.

    Don't forget to do the reading from the text book "Web 2.0: New tools New Schools" by Solomon and Schrum. Chapters 1, 7, 9, and one of your choice. Blog about them here.

