Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week 9- Thing 21 Podcasts the link didn't work. and eductional podcast directory both had similar content. I liked that under the EPN link I was able to click on the math specific tab. I did notice that the number in the math folder was 15, which was almost the least of any subject. The only subject that had less was dance. This is typical of many resources I have looked into. There is a lot more available for history, science and English subjects then there is for me. I did not look into library tools because I am very interested in the math connections. I did find a few links that I hope will be useful. Unfortunatly it appears that I will show them to my students to help them realize I am not the most boring teacher out there. The podcasts are quite dry. I think there is a definate need in this area. Perhaps, I can get together with some dynamic math teachers and help fix this problem.

When I looked in the teacher created materials site the podcasts had nothing for me as a math teacher. There appeared to be materials here that would be useful for the younger crowd (elementary or middle school) and other subjects. I felt a little left out.

1 comment:

  1. Ah so here is your opportunity to add to the podcasting world :-)
