Monday, June 8, 2009

Week 1 Thing 1

Reflecting on what I read about this course I am hoping to learn some new skills to be used with my classroom, specifically to facilitate learning better. I want my students to be more self reliant about their learning and to become better students in the process. I have high hopes for what this course can show me. Since I am not a school librarian, I am not a member of AKASL However, it does appear that this course is laid out to be useful to classroom teachers as well as librarians. I am finding that blogging here is very easy to do, but difficult to find what to say.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Luarie

    I think this class will certainly put you in touch with a number of tools that will help you engage students and help them be independent learners. I am firmly of the opinion that education must change to meet the needs of the digital generation that we now teach.

    I have been traveling and not as on top of the blogs and hope to be more on top of these now.


